Vietnam War Photos - Australians

After South Korea and Thailand, Australia provided the most extensive military support to the United States in Vietnam. Their commitment of almost 60,000 personnel was dominated by the Army, which included the elite SAS, but also featured Air Force and Navy elements. Their most decorated unit of the war was the Australian Army Training Team Vietnam (AATTV), whose advisors worked with U.S. Special Forces between 1962 and 1972 to train ARVN and indigenous troops.

AATTV advisor, WO Trevor J.
AATTV advisor WO Walter R.
Australian AATTV advisor Lt.
A Platoon Sergeant and Radio Telephone Operator (RTO) of 8th Platoon, 'C' Company, 7 RAR, pause during an ambush patrol in the Nui Thi Vai hills.
Private Richard Bradley, 'B' Squadron, 3rd Cavalry Regiment, 6 RAR, eats chow after sweeping a bunker complex south of Ap Rung La.
Trooper Tom Dillon, 'B' Squadron, 3rd Cavalry Regiment, 6 RAR, keeps watch during an armored sweep west of Ap Rung La.
A machine gunner of "D" Company, 5 RAR, lies waiting for the enemy during operation Mindy.
The  point man of "D" Company , 5th Battalion, Royal Australian Regiment, uses his radioman's PRC-25 to contact the section leader during an operation north of Nui Dat.
A soldier of Co ‘B’, 2nd Royal Australian Regiment, in Nui Dat carries a L1A1 SLR rifle as he moves out with his gear.
A member of Co ‘B’, 2nd Royal Australian Regiment, in Nui Dat carries an American M-60 machine gun.
A heavily laden member of Co ‘B’, 2nd Royal Australian Regiment, crosses a ditch during a search and clear operation.
Members of the 5th Plt, Co ‘B’, 2nd Royal Australian Regiment, receive a briefing from the patrol leader.
Sign of the 5th Platoon, Co ‘B’, 2nd Royal Australian Regiment, at Nui Dat in South Vietnam.
A soldier of Co 'B', 2 RAR, takes a break during a search and clear operation to read a letter from home.
A 5th Platoon leader from Co ‘B’, 2 RAR, checks out his men's communications gear during a search and clear operation.
A squad leader from Co ‘B’, 2 RAR, gives a briefing to his men at their camp at Nui Dat.
The executive officer of Company "D", 5th Battalion, Royal Australian Regiment, looks on whilst his radioman requests helicopter extraction.
Field packs and rifles belonging to members of Co ‘B’, 2nd Royal Australian Regiment.
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