Vietnam War Photos - Places

On Christmas Eve 1964 the Viet Cong exploded a bomb at the Brinks Hotel, a billet for U.
The Saigon War Memorial was built to honor the South Vietnamese military, but was demolished by the Communists after they took over Saigon (now Ho Chi Minh City) in 1975.
The Independence Palace located at Cong Ly and Thong Nhat Street in Saigon, home and office of the President of the Republic of South Vietnam.
The American Embassy on Thong Nhut Street in downtown Saigon.
The United Service Organizations office in Saigon was next door to the British Council.
Entrance to the MACV Recondo (Reconnaissance Commando Doughboy) School in Nha Trang.
Entrance to the Project Delta compound in Nha Trang.
The Republic of Korea Forces Vietnam (ROKFV) Headquarters building on Tran Hung Dao Street in downtown Saigon.
The MACV Advisory Team 28 compound at Tuy Hoa, Phu Yen province, II Corps.
Aerial view of the C-130 airstrip at the 1st Cav.
Headquarters building of the 1st Cavalry Division (Airmobile) in Phouc Vinh, South Vietnam.
Headquarters building of the 3rd Bde.
A monument located in the Corps HQ compound on the outskirts of Bien Hoa, commemorating the Vietnamese soldiers who fought in the III Corps Tactical Zone (CTZ).
Entrance to the ARVN Ranger (BDQ) training camp at Trung Hoa in Hau Nghia Province, north west of Saigon  (III Corps).
Aerial view of Nha Trang Air Base within the Khanh Hoa Province in Southern Vietnam.
A small, isolated and flooded triangular shaped outpost in the Mekong Delta.
Qui Nhon Harbor and the South China Sea.
Saigon Ladies.
Flying over the Mekong Delta in a Vietnam Airlines DC-3.
HHD (Headquarters and Headquarters Detachment) 1st Logistics in Saigon.
The Military Assistance Command Vietnam (MACV) Annex building near Tan Son Nhut.
Trucks coming in and out of the Qui Nhon Depot.
Aerial view of Soc Trang in South Vietnam.
The Qui Nhon headquarters compound as the Vietnamese workers arrive early in the morning for work.
The words of John Stuart Mill quoted on a scroll inside the 5th Special Forces Operational Base.
5th Special Forces Operational Base.
Skull with 5th Special Forces beret and Gerber dagger.
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